12/15-17/2023 Hot Rod Power Tour West
HOT ROD Power Tour West is an epic road trip on the West Coast, stretching from Irwindale, CA to Las Vegas, NV to Pomona, CA. Dozens of likeminded enthusiasts enjoyed hanging out at an amazing warehouse full of rare classics during our Kickoff Party co hosted by Autotopia LA and P2 Fab & Speed Shop.
Of course we brought the whole retail trailer / Born Again Blazer circus to 3 towns and had tons of fun meeting new friends and catching up with some of our local buddies. Pretty sure we destroyed the Blazer's transmission along the way, but that'll give us something to work on through winter. Here are some highlights of the 3 day Tour. Looks like this is the first of many more to come so stay tuned...
Click below for more information about the event: